Wednesday, August 12, 2020

What Is Really Safe To Flush In Your Toilet? Here Is A List Of The Only 10 Items You Can Safely Flush

If you are a child of the 80's then you may remember "The Lost Boys".   And perhaps you'll remember that famous scene where the bathroom and kitchen blow up with everything ejecting from every pipe or drain in the room.  Well, your home could have a similar reaction to having certain items flushed down the toilet.  

And while it may not look as devastating and dramatic as that famous "The Lost Boys" scene, trust me, it will feel about the same when you see what can come back up in your bathtub, shower, drains and toilets. 
Have I got your attention yet?  I hope so.  Because not only is this a mess no one wants, it's also a cost that will leave your wallet in tears.  Every home I sell, I tell my clients they need a sewer inspection.  If you own your home and haven't had one in about 5 years then you too should have one.  How else will you know what that big pipe going from your house to the main sewer line looks like?  Are they broken? Cracked? Collapsed? Or do they have roots growing in them? Or backed up by things that shouldn't be in there?

A couple weeks ago I had a social hour over Zoom with some girlfriends of mine and, to be honest, I don't remember how the conversation of bathrooms came up but there was wine involved so...who knows.  Point being, there was a lot of confusion over what you can really flush down a toilet.  So that conversation led to this blog.  And I felt it necessary to make a list of all the items that can be safely flushed down a toilet to avoid a horror movie scene from happening in your home. So here you go:       1. Toilet paper 2. Toilet paper 3. Toilet paper  4. Toilet paper  5. Toilet paper  6. Toilet paper  7. Toilet paper  8. Toilet paper  9. Toilet paper  10. Toilet paper

It doesn't matter what the box or packaging says because unless that company will come to clean up your mess when it doesn't belong in your pipes, then I suggest you find other products or another way to dispose of them. 

Photo by Curology on Unsplash

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